A Summer Message from the Trips100 Team
It’s official – Summer is most definitely here and the sun has even decided to put in appearance.
Here at Trips100, the team are all geared up and already enjoying summer adventures. So from today Trips100, Tots100 and our sister sites will be on our summer schedule.
This means we will be publishing less content on the site, and spending less time on Twitter and Facebook – we hope you’ll bear with us, and allow a little more time for the team to respond to your comments and queries.
Don’t worry though, there will be some content going up on the site, we won’t abandon you altogether. The monthly linkies will still be on Tots100 for bloggers to link up their competitions and travel posts.
All that leaves us to say, have a wonderful summer everyone and we will back on our full schedule come September. 🙂 Let the ice cream eating and summer travels commence.