Are You a Real Travel Blogger? Fun Christmas Quiz
Hey travel blogger. Yes you! Want to find out how professional you really are? Then take Kirstie Pelling’s ‘Are You a Real Travel Blogger’ Christmas quiz while you sup on a nice cuppa or that banana liquor you mistakenly brought back from the Caribbean. It’ll help you assess if you have packed enough suitcases and done enough sitting around at airports to be taken seriously by the world.
Then add up your scores and let us know in the comments below or on Twitter how you did.
You’re welcome!
1 It’s Christmas. (Almost)
Are you:
a) Staying off the gluhwein. You tell everyone you have had enough of the smell at Christmas markets (too many festive blog trips!) even though the closest you got to a market stall was buying a hot dog from the stand at the station.
b) Stuck in Lapland because there was no signal in the hotel (blast that shared wifi) to upload your new masterpiece ‘Reindeer the movie’ onto Vimeo. So you had to venture out onto the ice. And the dunking caused pneumonia but you did get a great pic of Santa arriving to give presents out to all the poor little children at the hospital. It got like…six trillion likes on Instagram so was all so worth it! Achoo!
c) In the Maldives doing your third study on ‘underwater tourism after global warming.’ For the tourist board and three government bodies.
d) Panicking about next year’s income.
e) Already drunk.
2 A press trip has come up to a delicious destination over Christmas. The itinerary and theme is as far from your blog as possible but you know (and quite fancy) the PR. Trouble is you are all due at your sister’s for Christmas and your Mum is really looking forward to it.
Do you:
a) Tell your family that National Geographic called and asked you to profile synchronized snorkelling in that new Mexican sink hole.
b) Do a Facebook poll of your FB fans to find out what they’d do and then write a blog post on the ethical dilemmas of Christmas as a travel blogger before asking if you can go first class.
c) Squeeze it in between the Paris Instagram Meet Up and your Facebook Live coverage of solstice celebrations at Stonehenge.
d) Let your Mum down but then miss the plane because you are at the wrong gate googling ‘kittens who think they are Santa.’
e) Get drunk with the PR to seal the deal. (And accidentally miss the last train home.)
3 It’s a new year, so you are publishing your annual bucket list post on your top 10 destinations.
Are you:
a) Republishing the same old guff from last year with a different date on as no one read it anyway.
b) Just completing your Top 1000. A top 10 is far too limiting in today’s global world. Even a top 100 would compromise your journalistic integrity.
c) About to start a world tour of your most popular destinations sponsored by Apple.
d) Desperately scanning other people’s blog for inspiration on interesting places you weren’t invited to.
e) Making a resolution to get more drunk this year.
4 It’s January and you’ve heard a rumour that your dream trip is up for grabs. Trouble is there are bloggers who deserve it more than you and more likely to get onto it. Those long haul flights are so hard to bag!
Do you:
a) Call all the PR’s and inform them that everyone else has a Google penalty. Then as extra insurance call the ASA and shop your best travel blogger buddy for not disclosing that day trip to Blackpool properly. (A collaboration? That was definitely an advertising feature. There was a brief!!!)
b) Reserve all the seats on the aircraft so no one else can go on the press trip.
c) Pack a rucksack full of tech and clothes so that you can be on standby to leave the country at 3 seconds notice.
d) Publish a blog post to say how much you want it, and call in favours asking everyone to share, hoping the other bloggers will feel bad about accepting and suggest you instead.
e) Sober up. No sorry that was a typo. I meant get more drunk.
Count how many of each you totalled:
Mostly A’s: Congratulations you are definitely a travel blogger. But you my friend are also a liar, liar, pants on fire. You need to give up travel blogging and go work for a tabloid newspaper.
Mostly B’s: Congratulations you are definitely a travel blogger. But you are no fun on a press trip. Lighten up. Go to a museum or a movie sometime without taking notes.
Mostly C’s: Congratulations you are definitely a travel blogger. Stop hogging all the campaigns and awards and let the rest of us win one occasionally will you?
Mostly D’s: Congratulations you are definitely a travel blogger. But you are also human and can’t do everything. Give yourself a break and don’t believe what everyone else tells you about their stats.
Mostly E’s: Congratulations you are definitely a travel blogger. Just do not get behind a wheel this Christmas. Or fall asleep in your sprouts. Or mine.
Discussion8 Comments
Haha very true, stressing about the stats!
Stat stress is an important part of the job Emma 😉
Love this Kirstie! Happy Christmas.
Thanks Karen. Have a lovely time. See you on the other side…
Wouldn’t fit any of these! Blogging about traveling out of love for traveling, but manage to blog about 3-4 trips a year in between all the working ridiculous hours at my kick-ass job 🙂 I love the combination!
Sounds like a great balance Niki. Maybe you are an F or a G. Not enough categories!
Haha Very good! enjoyed playing that!
Thanks for playing…