This month we are delighted to feature TravelWithKat.com as our blog of the month. Kathryn shares her top tips for getting started with travel blogging and inspires us with her fabulous travel plans for 2018.
What inspired you to start blogging?
I had been working in travel for about 10 years when a colleague told me about WordPress and how you could set up a blog for free. I just started for fun and could never have imagined what a fabulous journey it would take me on.
What are your blogging and travel plans for 2018?
My next trips take me to Japan and then I’m off to West Africa. Both promise to be very exciting and people can follow my adventures on Instagram, Twitter and Face
What is your favourite destination in the world?
India is the first place to spring to mind. It’s the most exciting country I’ve ever been to. You never know what fascinating sight might be around the corner — a fabulously decorated truck, a herd of camels, a drumming troupe. You can guarantee it will never be very long before another colourful subject for your camera comes into view.
Which blogs do you love to read for inspiration?
Suzanne, The Travelbunny and I write about similar subjects. We’ve followed each other for many years and are now great friends too. My favourite writer is Abigail King from Inside The Travel Lab. Others I love to read include On the Luce, Heather on her Travels and The Quirky Traveller.

What are the three most popular posts on your blog?
What tips do you have for newer bloggers who would love to set up a travel blog?
Don’t put it off! Just start. But don’t expect to be successful unless you put a lot of hard work into. Even if you only start blogging for fun, your blog will become a wonderful travel diary to look back on in years to come.
If you could go back in time to when you first set up your blog would you do anything differently?
If I could go back in time I’d go back a lot further and start blogging years before I did. Other than that, nothing in particular comes to mind. Learning how blogs and social media work and such, has all been part of the fun, even if it has been frustrating at times.