Welcome to the Brand New #MustSeePlaces linky on Trips100! We want you to link up your most amazing travel destination posts – show us the places you’ve been to that will make us want to pack our bags and head there too.
Your posts should be reviews of destinations you’ve travelled to … the sites you saw, the people you met, the food you ate, your highlights. Each month I will pick my favourite posts from those linked up. I can’t wait to read them all!
I’m hoping to read about lots of amazing summer holidays. My own travel highlights so far this year have been exploring San Francisco …

… and many lovely weekends exploring the east coast of Norfolk …

Your turn – Now tell me about yours! It’s over to you.
The #MustSeePlaces linky remains open until 5 November. If you join early on, please don’t forget to pop back in a couple of weeks to read some of the other contributions.