
Welcome to Trips100

Trips100 is the UK’s newest blogging community for travel bloggers.

If you’re a travel blogger then this is a space for you to promote your blog content, share ideas with fellow writers and pick up tips on how to make the most of your blog.

We’re also here to help you connect with brands on exciting and creative partnership opportunities.

To get started, simply register your blog and download your personalised Trips100 badge to verify your membership. Your badge will proudly display your Trips100 ranking each month.


Why join Trips100?

  • This is where you’ll find the freshest, most interesting and exciting content from independent travel blogs
  • As a Trips100 blogger, you’re able to attend our free blogging workshops, conferences and meet-ups
  • All members can sign up to our brand messaging platform to receive brand partnership opportunities

Want to know more?

  • Sign up your blog to the Trips100 today!
  • Find out more about how Trips100 works
  • If you’re already registered you can log in to your account here


So You Know...

As you've likely heard and seen, there's an increasing focus on the authenticity of follower growth and engagement on social platforms across the Influencer Marketing community. The platforms themselves have taken measures to deter inauthentic activity and brands now more closely scrutinise the audiences of the influencers with whom they are partnering.

The Flea Network has implemented a system that will detect abnormal spikes in following and engagement, and flag these properties. Of course, such spikes can often be attributed to viral posts or high-profile brands that bring greater exposure to some content.

If one of your social accounts is flagged by our system without an obvious reason, we may reach out to you for assistance in understanding it. If we find any influencer has artificially inflated their audience size or engagement using paid acquisition or automated, third-party tools, we will remove them permanently from our influencer community.

Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or comments.

Thank you!

The Flea Network Team

Got it!